Metformin and Probucol therapy benefits people with type 2 diabetes

Individuals with type 2 diabetes could soon be treated with Metformin and Probucol after researchers have highlighted the positive impact of this drug combination. 

The scientists analysed the effectiveness of the combination by testing it in a rat model of diabetes.

During the trial, they created a genome-wide protein-protein interaction network capturing a global perspective of perturbations in diabetes by integrating type 2 diabetes subjects’ transcriptomic data.

They also computed a ‘frequently perturbed subnetwork’ in type 2 diabetes that captures common perturbations across tissue types and mapped the possible effects of Metformin onto it.

In addition, they highlighted a set of remaining type 2 diabetes perturbations and potential drug targets among them, related to oxidative stress and hypercholesterolemia.

According to the results, Metformin-Probucol at 5:0.5 mg/kg was effective in restoring near-normal serum glucose, lipid, and cholesterol levels.

The researchers said: “Type 2 diabetes is often managed with metformin as the drug of choice. While it is effective overall, many people progress to exhibit complications. Strategic drug combinations to tackle this problem would be useful.”

View the full study, here.


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